
Colour that glows

  BENCH PEG The Poppy collection is one of my favourites and bestselling ranges of work. The pieces burst into life when I was invited to be part of a show that was celebrating ANZAC Day. The theme was looking at people at home during the war. This often focused on woman who stepped into the jobs that men had done before the war. Also, living in a world where their brothers, sons and husbands were on the other side of the world fighting a war that often didn’t make sense to those in our part of the world. I based my initial designs for the exhibition on letters of woman living and working in New Zealand during the war. The badges and lapels of my Uncles Navy Jacket and hat were used as the base of designs also. I displayed them in boxes with copies of letters and photos of my Aunty and Uncle. From there a friend suggested that I make earrings and so the challenge was excepted. I then moved onto brooches and necklaces. After a while I thought hmmmmm? Some other colours wou...

Jewellery design my way explained

BENCH PEG Design is an intriguing process for me. I start with an idea, that is the easy part, and change that idea into drawings. From there I work through the detail of how I am going to make the drawings work as a practical design and a functioning piece of jewellery. I remember when I was at Uni and we used to be given projects to complete in a time frame. It seemed SOOOO hard at first. I’d stress over every little thing and about whether the idea is good enough, doable etc. Now, I have so many ideas that there isn’t enough time in the year to draw up and execute them all. I see designs and inspiration all around me in my daily life.   I’m drawn to putting bits and pieces into my designs that wouldn’t traditionally be associated with jewellery. I’ve have always done this, even right back at the beginning when the style didn’t have a name. My tutors thought I was way off course and a bit nuts! I proved them wrong as this is now called incorporating Found Objects. Now who’...

New Beginnings

Jewellery – handmade and home grown - BENCH PEG In these interesting times that we’re all living through. This time at home without the distractions of coffees and visitors has given me the chance to really look at what I do. It made it easier to focus my busy mind. I’m very excited to be launching my new website for my jewellery and artworks. My blogs are named Bench Peg. You may wonder why bench peg? Well it’s after the piece of wood that I do a lot of my work on in the workshop. It is attached to my work bench and I saw and drill on it, opps! not meant to be doing that. It’s the place where I do what I do. I love my bench peg (pic of it below). Making handmade and bespoke jewellery my passion. It all started when I was a girl of 15 and used to make fruit and other pieces of jewellery out of Fimo to sell on the street. I had a Hawkers licence. It cost $10 and I had to be interviewed by the police to make sure I was of good character … I passed! Jeff Besos had nothing ...

Deal to winter and it's blues

Like many people, I'm not that keen on our winter in New Zealand. It is cold, windy, wet. It tends to be more isolating especially for those of us who work alone and harder to bring your 'get up and go' to the fore. But that is the negative side of winter. There are many aspects of it that I do love. I live close to the beach and enjoy almost daily walks. I love the winter beach. It is very different from a summer one. It often has a lot more wood washed up on it, plenty of Flotsam and Jetsam to search through. There is a sharpness to the atmosphere and it brings a brightness to all colours. Or, alternately there are the days when the mist rolls in and the world looks soft and far away. The sunsets too are amazing in winter. Rich reds and soft pink and blues. Just gorgeous. All of these things have an influence on my work. I tend to see designs in my environment. The shapes, objects, textures and hues.  I also do much of my new designing at this time of the year. It'...

Hey world, check these cool dudes out!

Hi,  This is my first ever blog. I'm going to make this a regular way of connecting with all of my great clients and supporters. So, the subject of my first blog is a cause close to my heart. Those who know me well will know that I always like doing a project most years that touches on the environmental, or social or political, or all three!!! Last year, after more devastating fires over Indonesia and the destruction of more of the Orangutans habitat I started thinking about how to help keep their home and natural habitat   and that of the people living around them. For over a year now I have been working on this project to bring the plight of these gorgeous creatures to the fore and do my bit to say NO  to the use of palm oil and it's by products. It's a long and complicated chain that many of us along with large Corporations like Fonterra play a part in and can help to change. We think that we are only one person with one voice but if we join together and start ...