Jewellery design my way explained


Design is an intriguing process for me.

I start with an idea, that is the easy part, and change that idea into drawings. From there I work through the detail of how I am going to make the drawings work as a practical design and a functioning piece of jewellery. I remember when I was at Uni and we used to be given projects to complete in a time frame. It seemed SOOOO hard at first. I’d stress over every little thing and about whether the idea is good enough, doable etc. Now, I have so many ideas that there isn’t enough time in the year to draw up and execute them all. I see designs and inspiration all around me in my daily life. 

I’m drawn to putting bits and pieces into my designs that wouldn’t traditionally be associated with jewellery. I’ve have always done this, even right back at the beginning when the style didn’t have a name. My tutors thought I was way off course and a bit nuts! I proved them wrong as this is now called incorporating Found Objects. Now who’s nuts! You can see many found objects in much of my work on

The Found Object collection is an example. It incorporates grey wacky stone from various beaches around New Zealand. I use all sorts of objects. Beach glass, broken china, bone, stone, rubber and paper to name a few.

Stick around, have a wander through my work and join me on





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