
Showing posts from July, 2017

Deal to winter and it's blues

Like many people, I'm not that keen on our winter in New Zealand. It is cold, windy, wet. It tends to be more isolating especially for those of us who work alone and harder to bring your 'get up and go' to the fore. But that is the negative side of winter. There are many aspects of it that I do love. I live close to the beach and enjoy almost daily walks. I love the winter beach. It is very different from a summer one. It often has a lot more wood washed up on it, plenty of Flotsam and Jetsam to search through. There is a sharpness to the atmosphere and it brings a brightness to all colours. Or, alternately there are the days when the mist rolls in and the world looks soft and far away. The sunsets too are amazing in winter. Rich reds and soft pink and blues. Just gorgeous. All of these things have an influence on my work. I tend to see designs in my environment. The shapes, objects, textures and hues.  I also do much of my new designing at this time of the year. It'...